Family History

Who are these courses for?

If you are interested in exploring your family history and developing your digital skills to access online resources then this course will help to do so. You can also take a first step on your route back into education or employment and improve your own skills as well as learning alongside other people with a similar interest.

Old fashioned black and white photo of a family

Where can you get more information?

You can email your queries to and someone will get back to you.

Where might this course lead you to next?

  • You could enrol onto a Family Learning course
  • You could progress onto a Functional skills course or learn how to further develop your essential digital skills
  • You could undertake an employability or Voluntary Passport course
  • You could enrol onto a college course
  • You could also set up as a self-organised Group with support from FACES

These courses can also lead to a range of work opportunities. See links below for some ideas: