
What is Multiply?

The programme is delivered by Sheffield City Council and is funded by the UK Government through the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.

Good numeracy skills may unlock job opportunities and lead to higher wages or prepare you for further study. Multiply is a national government initiative to develop numeracy skills in adults. In Sheffield we have teamed up with providers to offer a number of numeracy workshops/courses in the community to support people who need to develop their numeracy skills for work, to support their households (for example their children, or with budgeting skills) or to give them skills to enable them to progress onto further learning.

Multiply courses and workshops

We offer a range of courses and workshops on themes such as household finances, cooking on a budget or improving numeracy skills specific to a key sector or line of work. 

Learner working out a maths puzzle on a large sheet of paper

Cost of Living Support drop-in sessions at The Moor Market

We also support drop-in sessions at The Moor Market to find out about the financial support available to you (includes support claiming help online).  This takes place at the Moor Market, 77 The Moor, Sheffield, S1 4PF - every other Thursday 10am-3.30pm

Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG)

As with all of our delivery, Information, Advice and Guidance is central to our service. We are committed to helping all learners address and overcome any barriers to learning and support them in making realistic and well informed choices.

Our experienced IAG officer is available to support learners at any point in their learning journey with Multiply including guidance on next steps in education, training or employment. For more information contact about courses or support available to you, contact Contact us at or 07789 875082