Case study: Muna

Why Muna joined the courses
Muna said:
“I arrived in Sheffield in 2018 and hadn’t attended any English courses until last year when my friends told me about Julie’s class at The Furnival. I was keen to improve my English and attended a Creative English course last year. I have just completed my second Creative English course about life events and housing."
“I wanted to meet more people and make friends in the community so it has been good to attend a class close to my home.”
How the courses have helped
Muna said:
“I have made new friends and feel much more confident. Every week I am excited to know what we will learn the following week and I can’t wait until Monday, when the classes start again. I learn new things in every class and I love the stories we hear, the things we learn about and the games we play to help us learn."
“I enjoy learning very much and I love to take part in role plays and talk to the class about my experiences. It builds my confidence in speaking and everyone supports me. In the class about weddings in different cultures I told everyone about the Sudanese wedding traditions. This boosted my self-confidence."
“In a session we did on poetry I was able to sing a song that I sing to my little daughter. That is poetry too."
“I always feel I want to do my best."
“I have gained in confidence and feel part of the community as I know many more people. I can pop into the Welcome Space for lunch on a Wednesday and ask for help with things I need. I can borrow books and toys for my family."
“I have now enrolled on a second ESOL Creative English course with The Furnival and am attending another ESOL course too. I feel enthusiastic and want to learn more.
“I encourage my friends to join the course too. It is fun and we learn many new things.
“The course has helped me to trust myself when I speak English to people in the community. It has encouraged me. The teacher lets me say what I want to say and then tells me afterwards if I need to change the way I say something. I am now a confident speaker because of that.”