Case study: Bobinsana Woodcraft

Neil previously worked as a graphic designer for a small charity in Sheffield. He left this job during the COVID pandemic, after struggling with his mental health, and founded Bobinsana Woodcraft.
Vendor stood behind handmade crafts

Although he enjoyed the creativity of his graphic design role, he wanted to get hands-on and make physical products. Looking to bridge this gap between his graphic design skills and his passion for craft, Neil joined the Learn Create Sell programme. He developed new product ideas using the laser cutter and enjoyed meeting other like-minded makers as part of the course. 

As part of the programme, Neil developed an interest in layered laser cut art inspired by his love of nature and the South American rainforest. He initially found it far more challenging than he anticipated, particularly the alignment of each layer using the design software and the processing of laser cut materials.

After persevering with several setbacks in his enterprise journey, Neil managed to sell four of his large wall arts and made over £800 at the Makerpreneur Christmas pop-up shop. He felt that the two weeks popup shop gave him the confidence to launch his brand Bobinsana Woodcraft and he used the revenue from the shop to design and make more stock. 

Neil is currently trading in four independent retailers, attends regular craft markets and is exhibiting some of his works at the renowned Ferens Art Gallery in Hull. He was recently invited to exhibit at the Venice Biennale.

AALFY - Learn Create Sell

Find out more about how you can join the Learn Create Sell Programme by contacting AALFY via their website, or pop into their store front at 108 The Moor, Sheffield, S1 4PD.

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